Repair Request

Download our list of preferred tradespeople for emergency use only when you cannot contact your property manager in the case of an emergency after-hours.
Please use the Repair Request Form at the bottom of this page to notify us of any maintenance/repairs that may be needed. It is important that you highlight the best access method with any request so that the repair can be carried out quickly for you. Please provide as much detail as possible so we can help you with your request.
Non-urgent repairs:
All repairs will only be accepted in writing by email.
Emergency repairs after-hours:
Click here to understand what is considered an Emergency Repair.
An urgent repair is when something breaks that may make the premises unfit to live in or cause a potential safety risk or interrupt access to water, gas or electricity supplies. If the premises need urgent repairs, tell the landlord or agent immediately. Terms in relation to urgent repairs are listed in your Tenancy Agreement. The landlord or agent is then obliged to organise urgent repairs as soon as reasonably possible.
If you are unable to contact the Agent, you can arrange to have the urgent repair fixed and spend up to $1,000 doing so. Your Tenancy Agreement will have tradespeople listed that you could use, alternatively click the above link to download our list of preferred tradespeople for emergency use only.
We appreciate that the one thing tenants desire most is rapid resolution of issues with minimal disruption. As such, our tenants are assigned one designated, reliable point of contact that is readily contactable and responsible for efficient management of their rental property.
Please contact our office on 9327 3744 if we can be of any assistance or email our property management department on
Bradfield Badgerfox Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8.30am – 5.30pm
Saturday 9.00am – 12noon